From Webster's Dictionary~
moron, (mō-ron): anyone who votes a straight Republican ticket, in spite of ethical violations or criminal activity, charges, or verdicts simply because they think Democrats are somehow the root of all evil.
Here's a tip, my fascist supporting friends:
The vast majority of what you perceive to be "the American Left" are in fact WAY RIGHT of center. So, either you've been deceived, brainwashed, or are so far right YOU are a fascist.
It's really quite that simple.
• No one is coming for your job. It sucks.
• No one is coming for your money. You may think you have some but you really don't. Not enough to warrant talking to you.
• No one is coming for your healthcare. You don't have any of that either.
• No one is coming for your guns. They can buy their own.
•No one is coming for your daughters. They're as screwed up in the head as you are.
Screw it. I'm wasting my time here. Everyone knows morons can't help it, they're just born stupid.