Wednesday, October 31, 2018


From Webster's Dictionary~

moron, (mō-ron): anyone who votes a straight Republican ticket, in spite of ethical violations or criminal activity, charges, or verdicts simply because they think Democrats are somehow the root of all evil.

Here's a tip, my fascist supporting friends:

The vast majority of what you perceive to be "the American Left" are in fact WAY RIGHT of center. So, either you've been deceived, brainwashed, or are so far right YOU are a fascist.

It's really quite that simple.

• No one is coming for your job. It sucks.
• No one is coming for your money. You may think you have some but you really don't. Not enough to warrant talking to you.
• No one is coming for your healthcare. You don't have any of that either.
• No one is coming for your guns. They can buy their own.
•No one is coming for your daughters. They're as screwed up in the head as you are.

Screw it. I'm wasting my time here. Everyone knows morons can't help it, they're just born stupid.

Friday, October 26, 2018

Who is Cesar Sayoc? What we know about the suspected mail bomber arrested in Florida.

Surprise, surprise!

And now Vladimir has instructed his stooge to decry the actions of the monster they created as no way to behave in civil society.

Preview peak: This guy offered no resistance when apprehend because he believes Vladimir will order his pardon. After all, he was only defending his Grand Wizard.

Wednesday, October 24, 2018

Don't Be Fooled Again

Since Republicans won control of the White House and Congress, House Republicans voted 9 times to END protections for pre-existing conditions and repeal Obamacare.
And on May 4, 2017, they succeeded -- 217 House Republicans voted to repeal the pre-existing condition protections we fought so hard for. Afterward, they held a gleeful press conference in the White House Rose Garden with President Trump -- all smiles!
Now, President Trump and Republicans across the country are saying that they will protect pre-existing conditions -- as if all that never happened!
FIGHT BACK against the lies and misinformation. Don't let Republicans run from their record of attacking our health care just days before this critical election!
Can you share the facts on FACEBOOKand TWITTER about the Republican record on health care?

And The Domestic Terrorist Is...

When caught, the "domestic terrorists" who attacked Democrat politicians October 24, 2018 will either self-identity as Republican or, more likely, 



But the White House and media will down play that truth and push the "Lone Wolf" narrative. 

I'm not saying that Dems are Lily white. I'm just saying that media lies. 

And if the fact that the White House lies is to be debated, we are surely doomed!