Thursday, March 22, 2018

Doc Shopping

I am annoyed by the derogatory use of the term "doc shopping". It implies the act of going from doctor to doctor looking for one who will give one the drugs they want. Oftentimes, however, after encountering 10's of doctor's who are unwilling or unable to actually treat one with multiple complex health issues there is a paper trail which gives the illusion of so called "doc shopping". 

When shopping for an appliance you go from store to store until you find the appliance that satisfies all your needs for that appliance. Why can't it be the same with doctors? They are, like all people, imperfect and not right for everyone. And they, too,  have likes, dislikes, and prejudices like everyone else,  right or wrong.

So, it falls to the patient to be FORCED to "shop" until they find a provider who can and will treat them adequately and fairly.

In today's United States this is a tall order. And a hard one to fill.

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