Border patrol is killing KIDS in your name, America! And on Christmas Eve, no less! And at least 40% of you, the portion who claim to be the most "Christian", seem to be okay with that. In fact, you shamelessly blame it on the kids or their parents when you are the ones sanctioning the imprisonment of them and caging them like animals - separating them from their families.
And you want a WALL! You same pricks who chanted along with your God on Earth, Ronnie Raygun, "Tear down that wall!", want your own fucking wall! Your parents would be ashamed of you!
You make me physically I'll!
There are safer, saner, more compassionate ways to manage our affairs.
If you support this CIC and the way he is behaving, you are a POS. You are morally bankrupt and don't deserve to call yourself American nor Christian.
And I no longer wish to identify as either as long as they have been hijacked by fascism.
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