Thursday, September 10, 2020

Criminal Intent

I've been limiting my exposure to news for the past several weeks for reasons I won't go into here, now.

Events of the past few days has penetrated my self-imposed news diet. I'd rather be sharing my own words but I find myself with a lack of them.

However, the whole article which I quote below is well worth a read. 

He knew, and because he knew, my mind is reeling with questions. How many times has he put his own supporters in danger, as they gathered by the thousands without protection, while knowing he was putting them in danger? How many times has he golfed while knowing the pandemic was killing so many people city officials had to dig mass graves? How many times has he ridiculed people for wearing masks, thereby insulting the memory of the dead, while knowing the virus was airborne. How many times has he attacked public officials, whose job is serving the public’s interest, while knowing their service prevented the death toll from being even bigger? Most important of all, how many Republicans understood that a man who commits treason is the kind of man who stands by while Americans die in droves—if that’s what it takes to win?
Give the whole article a read. It feels good to know you're not alone.

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