Sunday, September 15, 2019

Opiod Hysteria

I've been battling chronic illness for 30 years. The medicines that have kept me alive are wreaking havoc on my body. As a result I live in constant pain over my entire body.

I was being treated for pain for 6 years until this hysteria broke out. During that time I was generally treated like a criminal by the pain centers that treated me. But I got treated.

Then Missouri got crazy and now I've been almost 2 years without treatment. I used to be able to take care of myself and my home. But I've been suffering recurring hospitalizations since last fall as my body is failing due to the stress induced by untreated pain. Now, I require an in home nurse and aid.

They'd rather pay the wages of these professionals than prescribe a bottle of pills.

If I could find heroin I'd do it. I'd do almost anything to have some relief. At this point it's a count down to the day I can take it no longer and give in to the voice inside of me telling me how to make it stop.

It's no longer just the physical pain - it's also the psycholgical pain of living in a society so calloused and so hateful that they would torture and kill innocent people who just want to be as normal as possible.

So, that's me and where I live... for now.

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