Tuesday, September 17, 2019

The Hastening of the Fall of America

I'm already mourning the loss of the country I once loved.

I'm a white senior citizen and can't for the life of me understand how other similarly situated Americans can be as calloused, cold and heartless as they clearly are.

I know. I live among them in a white conservative area where few people of color dare to tread.

I'm poor. But I don't feel threatened the way my neighbors do. They fear a world in which white is no longer the might that's right. I fear them! I fear a fascist Christian theocracy. I fear what they've already become and are willing to burn it all down in the hope that they might survive it all and come out on top.

That is my reality. I fear the very people I once took an oath to defend.

"Donald Trump delivers human cocaine for his followers. He is is both a cult leader and a political drug dealer. Inevitably, Trump’s voters will come crashing down from their political cocaine high. Unfortunately, they will not suffer alone in well-deserved and hard-earned misery. Instead, we can expect them will lash out against the rest of the American people and the world in a fit of destruction and chaos."


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